In interior design, the use of accent walls continues to thrive. These cool and stylish color accents will always stay popular because of their flexibility. The infinite paint options, as well as other surface finishes and materials, allow for an unmatched level of customization. Even something as simple as selecting which wall will be up to the unique image that you have for your home.

Preparing and choosing the right wall for your accent is very important, with the most common selection being the overhead of the bed or the largest open wall. The idea is to paint the longest wall in the room that has no impediments – no doors, no windows, etc. However, this is not limited to the directly surrounding walls; even the ceiling can be your accent wall.

To start on your own accent wall, try using soft or vivid colors. Combining these with a white crown molding helps unbind the wall color from adjacent walls, creating a more elegant look. Also, don’t forget that wallpaper can also be used to create an elegant accent wall. Certain wallpapers can even help you create a more designer-styled look.

If you’re having trouble doing all this by yourself, you can contact Brush Masters. We have the resources you need for hanging, installation, and even commercial wallpaper removal.