When you are expecting a baby, designing a nursery for your family’s newest addition is one of the best parts! If you’re struggling to find inspiration, though, here are some tips for painting your new nursery.

The first thing that you should decide on is a theme. Some cute ideas can be about fuzzy animals, or the night sky. Or maybe a fairytale garden or superhero theme! A whimsical and fun theme will stir up your baby’s imagination early on and help them develop.

Also, pick a soothing color. One of the reasons nurseries are often painted in pastel colors is because of the calming effects that the soft environment can have on a baby. You’ll be thankful for this detail later on, when all you want is for your precious angel to stop screaming and go to sleep, please.

Don’t forget about the ceiling! After all, babies spend a lot of time on their backs, so providing them with something to look at is crucial. Mobiles work for this, but painting a pretty mural on your ceiling can be a good choice, too.

For quality nursery painters who can also help you out with design consultations, contact Brushmasters XP today!