Some paint manufacturers claim that with one coat of paint, you can get your wall painted with total coverage and vibrant colors. If you’re doing your own painting, this might seem like a trustworthy statement. You might decide that you won’t prime your walls or add a second coat. For professional paint companies, however, that’s not good enough.

We at Brushmasters XP, much like other professional painting companies, do not skimp on layers. Every paint job gets a coat of primer and then two coats of your selected paint color. This ensures that the paint adheres to the wall correctly and securely, and that any old paint color is totally covered, no matter how dark it is in comparison to your new paint. The second coat of paint also adds extra durability, vibrancy and richness of color, and protection for your walls against UV damage or any other potential wear and tear that may occur.

These extra steps are what make hiring a professional painting company worthwhile, along with the speed and precision with which we can do the job. Hiring Brushmasters XP for your painting needs will be safer, faster, and higher quality than you could achieve on your own.